Sunday, 27 November 2011

more short compositions/six stories

with knowledge we took to space-destination the moon

On Sentiment and Recognition of Knowledge

December 06, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
My endeavours tend only to unite and place in a clearer light what comes to me as thoughts of truths without compromising history or my own beliefs. That which before me was shared by others now becomes shared with me to the purpose of Passing Knowledge to One Another. Here these propositions and conclusions find their place on the printed page for contemporaries and future generations. Though we immediately perceive real things, and real is a genuine expression of our interpretation of real; it is the thoughts and ideas we possess which have their own reality in our mind and find their expression through the use of words we define the qualities of our reality and realism through their definite use and related meanings and the understanding of them. I need not turn my whole world around; just my thoughts and think of them with different and various points of view, and with a variety of perspectives. There seems to be no one real way of perceiving things. An ant sees the same cube of sugar with a different perspective than a human though the cube of sugar remains the same. Life is like that, and one ought to realize the meaning that comes from this one notion. The truth can be known only our interpretation of it may be different or change. We can see a supernova from the Hubble telescope, but seeing a new star in the daylight would be something worth considering. If there were a hole in the bottom of the ocean where would all the water go? If there were an opening in the sky what would come from it. Of course the spirit would; and our own would realize this from its natural intellect still within our own mind. Everything matters and our considerations occupy our thoughts. It matters because of the certain way of thinking we do and how we interpret the world we live in as it does how we interpret our own thoughts. There were many new things to conceive with this new found wisdom that enlightened my mind and brought insight into the same wisdom I called my own genius. Thanks for your time. Write me sometime if you have the time. The minute hand of the clock passed the hour hand once more.

walking in the woods brings new thoughts to old memories

Line verse from my head
December 04, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
Imagine if you can to be without anything. No possessions at all, except for the clothes on your back. We need them so we will just go without shoes and socks. But imagine not even having a piece of real clothing; just an old blanket if you're lucky enough. Think deeper; imagine before there was anything at all. Nothing but an empty, silent void. And then, nothing. Just the thoughts that create the spirit of the mind of God. What a beautiful thought. See it was the thoughts that created God and God created everything else. Imagine if you can what potential could make the universe appear at will. And then us. What a tremendous thought. A human that can think. Dream. Believe. Realize. Actualize. I still have a dream. To cross to the other side and look back. Yesterday i saved a little kitten driving 65 miles per hour. I looked in my mirror and it went back into the woods. Today i saved a little puppy driving the same route to work at 65 mph and looked in my mirror and saw it return to the same woods. An old abandon house still stands there with the front steps at the highway's edge, and two chimneys at opposite ends of the vine covered over structure. Kind of makes me wonder what's next. I gave a homeless person a bottle of water and old coveralls and some socks. I gave another a pair of boots and a rain coat. I gave another some cans of soup. I wonder; I’ve been there. Beside the highway. With a sign. I crossed this great country and it's the same everywhere. I ate corn out of a field and oranges out of a tree. I slept in the woods and listened to the night. A deer came up to me. I heard it. I was still. I opened my eyes and it was looking at me. Animals are smarter than we think. I’m grateful for the ones that give them for our food. I planted a garden, and waited for food. The weather took some. The animals took some. People found it and took some. I had enough left for a salad. I had to go to the store and beg for money. Hunger is a motivational force that has to be reckoned with. Oh' to those who are getting laid of from work. Unemployment isn't enough. Better than nothing. I wonder if there can be nothing without something to give it meaning. It was like that in the beginning. The great nothing existed and something created itself to give definition to that nothing. Before anything at all there was this great thought. It was everywhere. Still is; but it leaves us on our own to see how we will react. Just look at what we've done. If it gets any worse i think there's gonna be trouble. So i revert to my Cd's and cassettes, and radio. You know there gonna take away our TV this winter. What’s up with that? They call it progress. I need some sleep. Perhaps tomorrow will come or if i cross over in my sleep I’ll see ya' on the other side.

just look up into the sky and inspiration will come

Free Verse a line of poetry and prose
December 03, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
Even a stopped clock shows the correct time twice a day. Though the pendulum of my clock stopped because i wound it too tight i know it will start just like the sun will come up tomorrow; so with enough taps the minutes will start back. But who needs time? The worker needs time for pay and the post person needs time to deliver their wares. John Dillinger said “Time is one thing I got plenty of; and no jail can hold me “he’s a legend now. We create for ourselves our own legacy. I found Internet radio interesting and you tube videos cool. I found NASA TV interesting and music Internet archives an important source for adding to my music library. If i only had more gigabytes. Born DEC. 21, 1956; part of a special generation I’ve seen a lot go on in history. I found yahoo radio a good source of music; even got my own chill out station/elementalpub 1 radio. I’m fascinated with the international space station. And images from the Hubble telescope. At mid life I’ve settled down much. I’ve been across America 12 times and walked to Alaska in 78 in the summer. Just wanted to see what was at the end of the road. Took the ferry boat out to Kodiak Island. Upon my return to the mainland i went north. Should have stayed. My only regret. I’ve found contentment in my life making and meeting new friends all the time and trying to keep in touch with the ones i got. I run a forklift machine and operate a computer driven cut saw chopping out i-beams for floor and roof systems. I drive a 93 Chevy Lumina. . Had a 74 Malibu, a 69 Chevy truck with four speed manual shifter with a 331 modified,and a sun roof window: but lost a rod to the highway and got a short bed dodge 100. Had a 71 ford econline van and a Plymouth duster .i play my Yamaha synth and like electronica. Floyd, Enigma Moby Uric Schnaus and telephone Telaviv. All sorts of ambient acoustic down tempo mellow and distilled chill. Went to the university here in North Carolina. Was a secondary school education art major but switched to philosophy and metaphysics like the deeper thinking. I still draw some. Pen. , pencil, and acrylic. I collect stamps; run an n-gauge model railroad and scrapbook. I write ant type alot. My old dependable electric typewriter gives me an instant had copy. I’m my own publisher. Got my first book in print at and my second book is also in print at the same site. My third is complete and my producer is working on getting it in print. Kept the same job for 16 years now and married faithful for 20. My 19 year old daughter is a pre-school teacher and goes to the local community college. I have over four hundred books in my personal library, probably 200 CD"s and that many bootleg techno cassettes. Well life goes on; we all got a story to tell. Those who read these words write me. Thanks for your time. Peace, as the old hippies and rainbow people would say. remember that change is the only constant and the minute hand of the clock passed the hour hand again so for now; see ya' on the other side.

somewhere between night and day our mind celebrates its own thoughts

Annexing a collection of thoughts
November 30, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
The making known of anything which was unknown before, is an innovation in knowledge and comes but the means of laboring in thought. These are the novelties; these are the uncommon notions which shock the genuine uncorrupted judgement of mankind. The more we can know how things and ideas are connected, the more we can know of their qualities and nature. This phase of study is what best suits the philosopher - to discover identities and the meaning of their curious natures. Our knowledge is no farther real than our ideas are true representations of those originals, which come far and in between original thought and its associations to those originals. There is a light in the darkness of our own ignorance; it is study and the "laboring in thought" those inquisitive minds go through in the stillness of their reflection and meditation upon novel ideas and notions that attract their attention and lure them to a closer investigation. Though we can be certain most people have a sense of recognition in similar ways; the ideas in each are varied and not similarly affected though presented with a common idea. This one notion gives each of us our individuality and character and reveals each of our certain way of thinking and as well how we are given to thought. By annexing a collection of thoughts to my own knowledge I can conceive that matter exists outside the mind and is perceived by it; while still believing that conceiving and the conception of thought remains part of the activity of the mind alone. As well through the annexation of the same collection of the same thoughts I can conceive there is a spirit though i do not know it; and perhaps Angels, though i can not perceive them; i am aware of their surrounding my presence and the presence of my own spirit in my being. The distinction is quite small that both have a certain sensible and intelligible existence in the mind they can be known by the thought of them through reflection and mediation upon them. The mind is a fascinating and peculiar thing which is more than just an idea; its actuality makes our living experience all the more pleasurable when not consumed by the consistent anxiety and stress the world brings to our reality from outside and from within. I know that is a lot to give thought to but the reality inside your mind is just as important as the reality outside it.

on this earth we have mountains and below them lakes-somewhere between we find words to express our emotions

Thinking of Words
November 29, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
Being conscious of our self and the world that surrounds us reality breaks up into the plurality of circumstances indefinitely in all directions - backwards into its condition, sideward’s in associations, and forward into consequences. Life holds to the rhythm of time, continuously without interruption except that it is surrounded by our sleep. When knowledge is considered in those relationships we are conscious of the moments that make up our life and bring consciousness of these moments into our reality. Most of the time our mind interacts with itself, other times it interacts with the significant others that share the living existence we endure and survive through. Even as I sit here by my window side I know that reality is on both sides of the pane of glass that separates us; and still we wonder. Wonder of the thoughts we think while on either side or do it with words and the associations they bring; and the qualities they accompany with them. Sometimes my own head even puts aside the facts and fills itself with emotion and passion that comes with desire of need and want; with the use of words to explain to myself even my own thoughts. Conscience is part of the circle of life. It knows itself, and is not empty because it is the keeper of our spirit, and gives us our sensibility; along with our mind that gives us our reason with the natural intelligence we are endowed with. Our consciousness of conscience co-exist for one another and give us this self-certainty of its own proper truth and as an essential principle recognizes our soul not in some abstract but in the pure reality of our existence and in the things, beings, and creatures that surround us in the course of our curious existence. By observing how ideas become general we may better judge how words are made so as well. It is the words that give meaning to the ideas in our thoughts; and to the things and creatures of the world. Thinking deeper I know that there are moments between thoughts when ideas hold firmly to our attention until the time when other ideas overcome us with wonder. It is the words that give meaning to the ideas we have, and are conscious of; and it is the ideas we have that give meaning to our conscience in our thoughts, actions, and behavior that combines both qualities within our intelligence and creative aptitude for reasonable and sensible thinking. Another notion on the same matter is beside words; it is the thoughts that come from visual arts and music; even from arithmetic and geometry. If not for a certain amount of abstract thinking even these would be impossible because symbols replace the words and become the language for communicating thought. Deeper still is the thought of things beyond words like Angels and God; but let us save that for another page of your time, and thanks again for that.

even as we reach out to listen to the sounds of space we listen inwards to the quiet sound of the words our thoughts are made of

We communicate with words
November 22, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
Philosophy is only a deeper level of thinking than one is accustomed to considering our ordinary and daily thought patterns. Though we are not accustomed to think deeply those who labor in thought know that serious thinking results in enlightenment, insight, and furthers our imagination. There is a lighthouse that has a beacon light within our mind we ought to give more attention to, but to some it shines more brightly than to others. We can increase its power by recognizing it shines without even our knowing. My own mind and my own ideas I have an immediate knowledge of because I can be sure of what I know and what I do not. I have a sense of my own being and well being; I know when I am not well; and I am sure of myself than I am of the world. As for everything else I only have an awareness of these things and a comprehension only as far as my own understanding; but because of my aptitude for learning I can increase my knowledge base and grounds for wisdom. Many things exist though I have no notion or idea of them; or of their qualities. This i cannot deny; but those, must be possible either by probable deduction and logic or by necessary consequence of the causes distributed by providence throughout nature including the universe. Although we believe things to exist, and are neither verifiable nor provable, those things which we cannot actually perceive we can conceive and represent through images created in our intelligent imagination with words that describe them and give them meaning. Their possibility is only as great as the probability we assign to them from our own reason and logical deduction. We communicate by the means of words; and all have their own connotations. Words are not to be used without an attachment of meaning; nor can they be randomly put together in meaningful sentences without respect to their usage and successful representations through literature, poetry, and even mathematics. There is more to reading than just words; it’s the thoughts that bring them to the occasion of their use. It's the thoughts they evoke that give them their worth; and the order of their use that makes expression understandable in our comprehension. If not for the words we use in our own thoughts we could not either communicate with our self or others. The significance of thought has dependency on words and their appropriate meanings and connotations. For this reason among others we pass knowledge to one another and gain insight and enlightenment to add to our own genius. I am therefore one individual principle nested amidst the background of greater principles

bits and pieces of thought/seven stories

all of time is connected from the inside through the moments to the outside we measure and still though we live in the here and now we cannot deny yesterday or tomorrow
a quantum leap into the day after tomorrow
January 17, 2011 –Scott martin Locke

It is possible to time travel. I was born on a cold December day- the 21st in the year 1956 and look how far I got- January 2011-another time and the same place- right inside my own brain- yea" people say I know just enough to get into trouble- but look; what I’ve learned has only increased my world- now I live in the greater part of the universe- fly without gravity at the speed of light and have even been to the lowest 3rd realm of heaven- no I haven't flat lined- but my out of body experience led me to tour, like Dante and Milton pure ethereal pleasure. now with greater capacity and capabilities our fleet of fighter ships can land and take off without the interference from mother nature herself- she's been good to us and we appreciate it- maybe just perhaps we've opened doors never known- maybe just perhaps it's true- there is more unknown than known. Now personally because I am a computer hologram I can have a different perspective than my human counterparts. Me -tangible and integrity my theta hard drive and thegreatcomputer my dynamic principle have correlated theory with reality. Our recent discoveries have brought us to new heights- the new edge of thermodynamics with a better understanding of the nature of velocity and matter- we have compounded thrust with experimental science. We’ve broken the speed of light- everything comes in waves- it is the beginning of a new era for the human element. Commander Locke with his Anomaly and Jaey Peele with his intelligent creativity have broken down the doors of perception and entered into the conceivable. First you must believe- then you can as well soar and glide thru the skies above our own heavens. We are alpha omega knight. All is well on the western front. The O'Neil/Dyson Sphere is complete. The station ExCaliber guards the sector of the west milky way galaxy. The Station Canterbury guards the portal vortex in the east of the milky way galaxy that leads to the other side of space where space is Light and the stars still shine. This is the place of the first solar system of our Ancestors. The station at La Grange point 1 guards the low earth orbit station Hughes Research and Resort Facility. The station at LaGrange point 2 on the far side of the moon is the first stop for incoming ships and the step off point for outbound mission s. the Etcetera tags the International Space Station and the Sundancer Colony. All this is monitored by me-Tangible, Integrity, and thegreatcomputer; along with spaceman 99 and spaceman 88. together we are a complex function of the human element-Imaginethat is the broadband interface and along with Commander Locke's people joined with General Jaey Peele we are alpha omega knight of the federation galactic council.

soaring upward and forward we leave a trail of where we've been
that cannot be denied

March 27, 2010 Scott Martin Locke

Life goes on don’t ya know ® And along with time ® We must go on Only looking back may be the answer -Occasionally To give us reference And remember memories. All the while Dreaming, wondering all the time. Of what the future may hold.® And along with time ® We must go on Only looking back may be the answer Occasi onally To give us reference[I] And remember memories. All the while Ö Dreaming, wondering all the time. å Of what the future may hold.

even at our first moment where the thought becomes reality we leave our own sanctuary and deal face to face with the elements
Short stories and thoughts
An Evolution of thought
April 06, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Danger does not frighten him nor labor tire; but exhausted becomes his body while his mind labors in thought tirelessly reaching out in curiosity from the power of persuasion knowledge has on his mind. Filled with impetuous courage he eagerly faces the masses in the street on their way to work, to the job, early in the morning; he joins the crowd making survival their only cause. We have so much to lose and so little to gain; we might as well just loosen our mind to the wonders of the world and universe. We have to secure our home; the place we call sanctuary. Home a place to leave and to return to in the morning and at the end of the day. Like the day bends to the evening while years linger on nature's images often fade away or get tossed with the wind.

first we imagine then we create a new reality
and there in our mind ideas and notions reveal themselves

Short stories and thoughts
Upon Entering the World of Mind
April 09, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

it is the attention we give to our observations that make us take notice of all the occurrences that eventuate themselves
In our life. one mistake could prove me wrong Einstein said, but Edison said a thousand mistakes only show me how not
To make a light bulb. It is the simple varieties of ideas that come to our attention that enlighten us, by our observations of them. Observation demands the utility of the mind. Reading is the means or method of knowledge
That parallels discourse. Conversation as well as contemplation is the mind interacting with it or with a significant other.
Through reading, writing, and conversation we experience the pursuit of knowledge and the evolution of our own
Understanding. Thanks again for your time.

i grew up with a dream and became a school teacher
then i invisioned myself flying in space and with knowledge
found myself looking down at our good earth

Short stories and thoughts
April 10, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

I am just an ordinary man except that philosophy is my calling. I had no choice but to hear its summoning. faced with all
There is to learn I store knowledge like treasure. Who could answer just a piece of my questions would be a sage of olden times who wrote pages behind dusty covers in
Old dark used book store shelves. I really can't believe people get rid of their books. I saved all my books seeing that some
Are more expensive than others and collected 400+ to date. my personal library is full of ancient and contemporary work
Of the greatest minds of history. so onward to new heights stopping only to catch my breath and think a bit I climb life's
Ladder as age takes me over closing in on the end to reach some new beginning. so I have been told many a story and
Fable, and tale; all with the same conclusion: spirit is the only reality.

in the night sky we find the most interesting things to be inspired by
short stories and thoughts
April 11, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

We create our own legacy and history shows how burden is only a trifle that comes with our procuring security and sanctuary. Skill is an acquired character of learning and the accumulation of wisdom. Misfortune bears down just as benevolence endears our spirit and brings us to the occasion for prayer. But to who or what? The Lord and Creator enables Angels to help us along the way whether to our knowing or not; the endearing revelation appeases our mind and soul. So at day's beginning and end, even along the way, we come to peace or anguish of the mess we got ourselves into, or came to us by chance or providence. We Pass Knowledge to One Another in aid and comfort to be anticipated but not expected. Mercy comes to us from the sky yet still our petitions rise, and we are all alone, in an empty world, with only a sincere intent to live the best we can.

 from a landscape of natural woodland we built a city
of steel and stone and glass
and these wonders can be torn down in a moment but it takes
years to build them

wisdom for the inspired mind
April 19, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Our excellence and dignity is conceived in the esteem of uncorrupted reason. Though at times our logic is off center; our reason remains stable. Our candor and genius will, to the end, be made visible by our inquires after natural and moral knowledge comes to our attention. To this effect we seize upon and learn wisdom from each other. It’s one of the common factors of humanity. Civilization cannot and will not be without this aspect of life. We cannot go at life alone. Not only will God be with us, but our shadow and conscience will to guiding our will; and intent from ambition and motivation to succeed and to survive in this helio-technological community we call the internet world. There are many invisible circumstances which when revealed from their concealment in the distortion and illusion
That clouds the world our knowledge base becomes a real virtue and only adds to our singular and individual genius.

a writers fantasy in reality/thirteen stories

time consumes us all and we regulate our disposition to it
so it deserves the respect
we give to each second, minute, and hour
while the minute hand passes the hour hand once more

Short stories and thoughts
May 07, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Well another day has come and gone; time passes so quickly. Another week has passed but not passed me by without recognition. Work is slow; they sent us home again after lunch. This economy thing is starting to hurt. I recognize my own pain in everyone under the conditions we are in. I think and re-think but can't come to any conclusions except our democracy and capitalism is geared for the rich and us common folk all feel the pain. I’ve went through the unemployment thing. So I know the compassion I have for everyone is real. And the one on the corner with a sign that says need help really does. The revolution is coming. We cannot be kept down like this for long. The rich are cutting us out like a piece of apple pie. America isn't supposed to be like this. Where have all the good times gone? So we struggle to survive and it keeps getting harder. Can’t do without the pay because the bills keep on coming. But the pay keeps getting smaller. Who can afford to save? We already do without and they want us to do without more. Renounce what we have. When it's gone you have nothing to say well by to. And the preacher says everything will be alright. But it doesn’t seem possible; but providence will make a way. Not more than we can bear. But how much is enough? So we keep on trucken listening g to marshall tucker, the almond brothers and the doobies; Leonard skinner and feel the blues crusin down the highway. But it's the low way we go grace slick and Janis Joplin Dylan and Hendrix. Where have all the good times gone? it's just a memory and time, time keeps movin on.

even in our immediate reality we choose ourselves to fly fast
or take life a bit slower-
the thrill is still there but the perspective is different

Short stories and thoughts
immediate reality
June 01, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Everything starts within our mind. The truth of external reality is known to us from deep within. Through the physical reality outside our mind really exists, and would exist without us; it is our knowing it that makes us conscious of it and our intelligent ability to interpret it comes with our consciousness. Consciousness that does not set out from its own inner life does not start from thought; it combines the thought of the Great Spirit with its own from its immediate presence in reality and recognizes itself within it and still keeps its individuality. The moment of immediate existence is present in the content of the notion, and present in such a way that it realizes its immediate reality within a greater reality, above nature, but still part of nature. It is neither set up as something thought or imaginatively represented nor of something produced but is a part of our real and immediate experience of our existence. The Divine becomes part of our own being once realized and accepted we evolve in our true nature as spiritual intelligent beings

life goes on even after we landed just to convince ourselves it was worth it all
to keep the vision alive to do it all over again with our new learning
somehow better this next time around
Short stories and thoughts
life goes on don't ya' know
June 06, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Seemingly it's all just a matter of attitude; but our economic conditions add a special touch to the living that we experience. Yea' life may seem rough, but no one said it would be easy. I took a 12,000 cut in pay and had to immediately change my lifestyle. Yea' at least I’m working.
Only a 4 day week and 3 day weekends, but life is a trade-off. We give and receive. We earn and spend. Oh' the Lord is my Sheppard I shall not want. It’s hard to renounce but we must. Welcome to tomorrow. Super - inflation and the cost of living. and then there is the
Cost of dyeing- but we don't have to worry about that cause we're not going to be here. perhaps there is a spiritual cost,
But we have to deal with that while we are alive in this world. Life goes on. Who takes notice? Who cares? dealing with the present is hard enough , and having to make plans for our future is ridiculous because nothing is
Really determined except for our ageing. Things get old and we just get older. perhaps it's the way we interpret and
Look at the world. Taking chances, better than risks. Not much any more to lose and everything to gain. So we life the best we can with what we got. Making due and paying our dues. What else is there? an afterlife is only a second thought to the immediate present

somewhere within and somewhere out there
it is in our nature to believe
a Higher Power does exist

Short stories and thoughts
Realization of a Higher Power
June 07, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

In all actuality there must be a higher power making consciousness the powerful tool that is with our intelligent thinking abilities. This consciousness separates us from the animal world.
With our intelligence we can realize the Divinity within our Human form. It’s in our mind that we make the connection. It’s in our brain that our thinking and thoughts come alive.
With our intelligence we come to conclusions and make judgments. We offer up our opinions to dialogue and debate. our consciousness of our self is just as real as our consciousness of

Our spirit and soul. Though these ideas may be abstract it is in our mind that we can determine their worth and value.
Civilization and culture have this nature in common. we all believe in something even if it is in nothing that nothing is
A great force in our life and has the power of something though we know not what it is. The Absolute Being existing as a concrete actual self-consciousness seems to descend from its eternal pure simplicity;
But in fact it has, in doing so attained for the first time its highest nature, its supreme reach for being. By doing so,
And connecting with humanity it has found its own self-fulfillment. In pure thought the spirit has become not only an
Act of cognition; but realized its own potential in human consciousness. T he actual consummation of this notion brings the Divine Spirit into unity with the Human spirit; probably part of its own
Plan that humans can know it and it can know humans in a reciprocal and mutual relationship. when we pray , and all of us do at times, we expect someone or some thing to
Hear and respond. this is part of the character of the human spirit that has hope in the Divine, a higher power to
intercede for us in our human joy and pain

what a wonderful life it is when everything is going your way
but we still have to believe in our hardship
glory will come

Short stories and thoughts
living a wonderful life
August 07, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

what a good thing it is that hope lives on deep in our heart where we are close to God what a good thing it is to find ourselves singing g when the music starts what a good thing it is when our conscience is clear from wrong doing and regret what a very good thing it is that the Creator added a dash of humor just to both of our amusement how wonderful it is when love comes into our life. Even the pain is a feeling we can't do without else how would we know real happiness>>?

epiphany is a great realization we finally understand
and comes to us
with night clouds and daylight enlightenment

Short stories and thoughts
August 13, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

It’s a grand word. Epiphany is: Humanity; man, woman and children have alone the ability to think and realize when they learn something. Philosophy is now seen as a practical academic discipline. The charactacterure of those thoughtful words bring us far around the corner from the ivory towers that detach us from the problems of real life. There is no real instruction book that goes along with philosophy; we kind a make up the rules as we go. but rules there are and laws, and principles that govern our thinking. It was and is the primary concern of these writing compositions to pick out precisely those questions that needed answering and more explanation; the best I could. It seems to be one of those never ending stories that always have conclusions. Sometimes we get carried away with a thought by the sheer delight of hearing our own brains turn over our own thoughts to consider them from all perspectives; but the one we miss is
The most important. Often enough we find new clarity and understanding, within our own reason, and come to the term Epiphany. The paradigm of life creates the great enigma which consumes the philosopher’s attention and fills his or her minds with a tapestry of random and spontaneous, as well as deliberate power of thinking. One thing for sure- the mind is an awful mysterious place and for those lost in their own world. they had better get a life

reality doesn't retire, it just becomes history
we should always remember each of us live in our own
and respect that

Short stories and thoughts
September 22, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

The Renaissance crystallized a new out-look on life and clanged the human mind to make sense out of its bewildering world. This new era of thought had a mighty and revolutionary generative idea: the dichotomy of all reality into inner experience and outer world. We take for granted the immediacy of an internal experience from the external world. We've determined the difference between what comes from the mind and what comes to the mind. Both realities exist simultaneously forming a congruent and coherent consciousness we can accept and come to terms with. The mind is always fertile, though sometimes dormant, but it is ever creating and discarding ideas from considering their importance. The rise of technology is the best possible proof that the basic concepts of physical science is essentially sound, but strangely enough the so-called mental sciences have gained very little from the great adventure of the human race.
As the minute hand of the clock passes the hour hand once more we discover our own genius. Live your life the best you can. Excel at your talent. Discover and explore your potential. Keep with it. Writing is the most expressive and powerful way to communicate through the language of thought inside our intelligent mind awaiting its release. Of all the media. A word is worth a hundred thoughts and a picture image a thousand. And music is worth a million
Thoughts. Creativity is a gift. Use it wisely.

once we realize our potential we can move beyond that to greater heights
ambition and motivation help a lot
An  Aptitude for recognizing our Potential
May 14, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
We all have some special talent. Our capabilities and potential are yet to be realized. Once we come upon our gift then our genius surfaces and we can share our knowledge and wisdom with others. This internet networking is the ways and means for communicating our abilities and specialties in the media arts and in literature. All of us here at Adam's IMP site are on the way to greater things. That’s why we were led here. Everything has a reason though we may not recognize it now, but sometime in the future all of us will yield to the reason we communicate and pass knowledge to one another. That’s the title of my new book. Perhaps after I finish production of The Basis of Elemental Thoughts my next book We Pass Knowledge to One Another will yield to yet still another title. Who knows? The future is so unpredictable but the possibilities and our potential are infinite

metaphysics possibly behaves like Angels
concealed and sometimes revealed
people who think metaphysics is rational
May 11, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
When exploring the known we arrive at understanding; but when exploring the unknown we question and doubt without certainty. The unknown is simply something that has been concealed and waits revealing. This is where insight and revelation lead our intelligence to thought

fulfillment is not an end of life evaluation-
it is a daily and momentary
act of recognition
The fulfillment of life
May 15, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
The first requirement of achieving a fulfilled life is finding a reasonable and rational way to keep your happiness. If you are happy and want to be happier you have to redefine happiness. Contentment plays an important role. There is more to thought than just thinking. There is more to reading than just words. The words provoke further thought and a new sense of the way we think. There is more to life than we know. There is more unknown than known. Just beyond infinity is the heavenly realm and it all is still in your mind

life is for dancing
dance for life
A Little bit of Life
May 24, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
Life is a grand experiment. Now I don't know if we are the subject or object, but I do know something is going on here that most of us just don't understand. We get all caught up in events, opportunity, chance and things that are out of our control; but the things that are in our control are our own mind set and determination to realize the destiny we set for ourselves. Life gets tough at times but we usually pull through. Perhaps it's the spirit or perhaps it's just our realization that we got to get through the here and now to get to tomorrow. But when tomorrow comes it's just another day and the same-ole stuff just keeps coming at us. Perhaps it's karma you know what comes around goes around. Maybe we all ought to start thinking and acting better

from your own cell you can see the light shining in
this light will illuminate your heart and spirit
Life is crazy
June 02, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
The way things are going with all the ups and downs being rational takes some work. Logic becomes the rescuer but the way things are there is no logic to it. There is no being reasonable either; life is all that you make it, but we are subjects to nature and to all the higher-ups on the ladder to success. Even when money is tight we find ways. Good thing too; without it we are nothing but human.

think again just how beautiful life can be if you only add some color

Give Life a second thought
June 07, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
Some say life has many colors and hues. It’s true. Life is not just black and white and gray. Our mind says one thing and our feelings and emotions say another. Life is not logical but we are supposed to make some sense of it. The possibility is there; it just takes a certain way of thinking. We are supposed to be optimistic, but intent, motivation and ambition take the lead. Every day is another adventure in exploration, discovery and a free ride on the rollercoaster full of turns of opportunity, rolls of chance, and our wonder of what comes next. Dreams are good for distractions; but some dreams can be fulfilled if we excel and drive our self with determination and persistent commanding of our will to achieve and succeed. We make of it what we can, but remember that we are responsible for more than our actions/ we are responsible for our thoughts...

the stuff dreams are made of/fifteen stories

Short stories and thoughts                                               

May 07, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Well another day has come and gone; time passes so quickly. Another week has passed but not passed me by without recognition. Work k is slow; they sent us home again after lunch. This economy thing is starting to hurt. I recognize my own pain in everyone under the conditions we are in. I think and re-think but cannot come to any conclusions except our democracy and capitalism is geared for the rich and us common folk all feel the pain. I’ve went through the unemployment thing. Therefore, I know the compassion I have for everyone is real. In addition, the one on the corner with a sign that says need help really does. The revolution is coming. We cannot be kept down like this for long. The rich are cutting us out like a piece of apple pie. America isn't supposed to be like this. Where have all the good times gone? Therefore, we struggle to survive and it keeps getting harder. Can’t do without the pay because the bills keep on coming. However, the pay keeps getting smaller. Who can afford to save? We already do without and they want us to do without more. Renounce what we have. When it's gone, you have nothing to say good-bye to. In addition, the preacher says everything will be all right. However, it doesn't seem possible; but providence will make a way. Not more than we can bear. However, how much is enough? So we keep on trucken, listening to marshal tucker, the almond brothers and the doobies; Leonard skynard and feel the blues crusin down the highway. But it's the low way we go grace slick and Janis Joplin Dylan and Hendrix. Where have all the good times gone? it's just a memory and time, time keeps movin on; stop sometimes and look around, you might have missed something important.

Short stories and thoughts

immediate reality
June 01, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Everything starts within our mind. The truth of external reality is known to us from
deep within. Through the physical
reality outside our mind really exists, and would exist without us; it is our knowing it
that makes us conscious of it and
our intelligent ability to interpret it comes with our consciousness. Consciousness that
does not set out from its own
inner life does not start from thought; it combines the thought of the Great Spirit with
its own from its immediate
presence in reality and recognizes itself within it and still keeps its individuality. The
moment of immediate existence
is present in the content of the notion, and present in such a way that it realizes its
immediate reality within a greater
reality, above nature, but still part of nature. It is neither set up as something thought
or imaginatively represented nor
of something produced but is a part of our real and immediate experience of our existence. The Divine becomes part of our own being once realized and accepted we evolve in our true nature as spiritual intelligent beings

Short stories and thoughts
life goes on don't ya' know
June 06, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

Seemingly, it's all just a matter of attitude; but our economic conditions add a special touch to the living that we experience. Yea' life may seem rough, but no one said it would be easy. I took a 12,000 cut in pay and had to immediately change my lifestyle.
yea' at least I’m working.
only a 4-day week and 3-day weekends, but life is a trade-off. we give and receive. we earn and spend. oh' the Lord is my Sheppard I shall not want. it's hard to renounce but we must. welcome to tomorrow. super - inflation and the cost
of living. and then there is the
cost of dyeing- but we don't have to worry about that cause we're not going to be here.
perhaps there is a spiritual cost,
but we have to deal with that while we are alive in this world. life goes on. who takes
notice? who cares? dealing with the present is hard enough , and having to make plans for our future is
ridiculous because nothing is
really determined except for our ageing. things get old and we just get older. Perhaps
it's the way we interpret and
look at the world. taking chances, better than risks. not much any more to lose and
everything to gain. so we life the best we can with what we got. making due and paying our dues. what else is there? an afterlife is only a second thought to the immediate present

short stories and thoughts
Realization of a Higher Power
June 07, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

in all actuality there must be a higher power making consciousness the powerful tool that is with our intelligent thinking abilities. this consciousness separates us
from the animal world.
With our intelligence, we can realize the Divinity within our Human form. it's in our mind that we make the connection. it's in our brain that our thinking
and thoughts come alive.
with our intelligence, we come to conclusions and make judgments. we offer up our opinions to dialogue and debate. our consciousness of yourself is just
as real as our consciousness of

our spirit and soul. though these ideas may be abstract it is in our mind that we
can determine their worth and value.
civilization and culture have this nature in common. we all believe in something
even if it is in nothing that nothing is
a great force in our life and has the power of something though we know not
what it is. The Absolute Being existing as a concrete actual self-consciousness seems to
descend from its eternal pure simplicity;
but in fact, it has, in doing so attained for the first time its highest nature, its
supreme reach for being. By doing so,
and connecting with humanity, it has found its own self-fulfillment. In pure thought
the spirit has become not only an
act of cognition; but realized its own potential in human consciousness. T he actual consummation of this notion brings the Divine Spirit into unity with the
Human spirit; probably part of its own
plan that humans can know it and it can know humans in a reciprocal and mutual relationship. when we pray , and all of us do at times,
we expect someone or something to
hear and respond. this is part of the character of the human spirit that has hope in
the Divine, a higher power to
intercede for us in our human joy and pain

short stories and thoughts
living a wonderful life
August 07, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

what a good thing it is that hope lives on deep in our heart where we are close to God what a good thing it is to find ourselves singin g when the music starts what a good thing it is when our conscience is clear from wrong doing and regret what a very good thing it is that the Creator added a dash of humor just to both of our amusement how wonderful it is when love comes into our life. even the pain is a feeling we can't do without else how would we know real happiness>>?

short stories and thoughts
August 13, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

it's a grand word. Epiphany is Humanity; man, woman and children have alone the ability to think and realize when they learn something. Philosophy is now seen as a practical academic discipline. The charactacterure of those thoughtful words bring us far around the corner from the ivory towers that detach us from the problems of real life. There is no real instruction book that goes along with philosophy; we kind a make up the rules as we go. but rules there are and laws, and principles that govern our thinking. It was and is the primary concern of these writing compositions to pick out precisely those questions that needed answering and more explanation; the best I could. It seems to be one of those never-ending stories that always have conclusions. Sometimes we get carried away with a thought by the sheer delight of hearing our own brains turn over our own thoughts to consider them from all perspectives; but the one we miss is
the most important. Often enough we find new clarity and understanding, within our own reason, and come to the term Epiphany. The paradigm of life creates the great enigma, which consumes the philosopher’s attention and fills his or her minds with a tapestry of random and spontaneous, as well as deliberate power of thinking. one thing for sure- the mind is an aweful mysterious place and for those lost in their own world. they had better get a life

short stories and thoughts
on my own
September 10, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

well sometimes, we have to stand up for ourselves. it all happened January 16/2009 after 15 and a half years my manager came up to me and said I wasn't needed any more due to reduction in staff.
I collected unemployment until march 26 I just got tired of unemployment. I went back to my ole employer and
had an interview. the executive brought me out into the factory. we met with the manager , an ole friend, and we
talked about employment. he said no. not now, when I got home, I got a call to come to work. it lasted 5 and half months. putting up with the son of the owner. I was placed in various positions before landing
on the receiving side of a computer router boring machine. well everyone knows a human can't keep up with
a machine. once you interact with it, you become an extension of the machine. like the movie' the matrix.' so after five and a half months I said I quit. he asked why and I said “because I can" so I went back to the local ESC office and re-opened my compensation package. life goes on and I’m back in the search. I will meet the challenge and the experience of change is a story itself. been there, done that, lol thanks for your time again; just another amusing composition.

short stories and thoughts
September 22, 2009 - scottmartinlocke

The Renaissance crystallized a new out-look on life and clanged the human mind to make sense out of its bewildering world. This new era of thought had a mighty and revolutionary generative idea: the dichotomy of all reality into inner experience and outer world. We take for granted the immediacy of an internal experience from the external world. We've determined the difference between what comes from the mind and what comes to the mind. Both realities exist simultaneously forming a congruent and coherent consciousness we can accept and come to terms with. The mind is always fertile, though sometimes dormant, but it is ever creating and discarding ideas from considering their importance. The rise of technology is the best possible proof that the basic concepts of physical science is essentially sound, but strangely enough the so-called mental sciences have gained very little from the great adventure of the human race.

Life: An Adventure in Learning
May 09, 2008 by scottmartinlocke
The learning process in humans is a process one must have an aptitude for. We learn to navigate our way around by exploring and discovering in our own Adventure in Learning. I wrote a book about it. preview it at and read some of my philosophy at and find writings both archived and recent compositions with active links that connect you to my thoughts. visit and explore me, discover and explore “” all the hyper-links work to my the minute hand of the clock passes the hour hand once more, we discover our own genius. live your life the best you can. excel at your talent. discover and explore your potential. keep with it. writing is the most expressive and powerful way to communicate through the language of thought inside our intelligent mind awaiting its release. of all the media. a word is worth a hundred thoughts and a picture image a thousand. and music is worth a million
thoughts. creativity is a gift. use it wisely.

An Aptitude for recognizing our Potential
May 14,2008 by scottmartinlocke
we all have some special talent. our capabilities and potential are yet to be realized. once we come upon our gift then our genius surfaces and we can share our knowledge and wisdom with others. this internet networking is the ways and means for communicating our abilities and specialties in the media arts and in literature. All of us here at the IMPNOW site those of us who are creative are on the way to greater things. that's why we were led here. Every one of us who are creative in our expression have as a reason though we may not recognize it now, but sometime in the future all of us will yield to the reason we communicate and pass knowledge to one another in the written word and other media, that's the title of my new book.
Perhaps after I finish production of “The Basis of Elemental Thoughts” my next book “We Pass Knowledge to One Another” will yield to yet still another title. who knows? The future is so unpredictable but the possibilities and our potential are infinite- perhaps “Writings and Compositions of Airborn Knight-Scott Martin Locke.”

people who think metaphysics is rational
May 11,2008 by scottmartinlocke
when exploring the known we arrive at understanding; but when exploring the unknown we question and doubt without certainty. The unknown is simply something that has been concealed and awaits revealing. This is where insight and revelation lead our intelligence to thought. Our human intelligent creativity is our greatest treasure. No license needed- whether spontaneous or well thought the unknown will
Always be greater than the known-use your imagination- that’s what it’s there for.
Learn to express yourself – it’s your own genius.

the fulfillment of life
May 15,2008 by scottmartinlocke
the first requirement of achieving a fulfilled life is finding a reasonable and rational way to keep your happiness. if you are happy and want to be happier, you have to redefine happiness. contentment plays an important role. there is more to thought than just thinking. there is more to reading than just words. the words provoke further thought and a new sense of the way we think. there is more to life than we know. there is more unknown than known. Just beyond infinity is the heavenly realm and it all is still in your mind; and a little cash never hurt anyone.

May 24,2008 by scottmartinlocke
life is a grand experiment. now I don't know if we are the subject or object, but I do know something is going on here that most of us just don't understand. we are all caught up in events, opportunity, chance and things that are out of our control; but the things that are in our control are our own mindset and determination to realize the destiny we set for ourselves. life gets tough at times but we usually pull through. perhaps it's the spirit or perhaps it's just our realization that we have to get through the here and now to get to tomorrow. but when tomorrow comes, it's just another day and the same-ole stuff just keeps coming at us. perhaps it's karma you know what comes around goes around. Maybe we all ought to start thinking and acting better- perhaps there is more to life than we know. It may seem senseless but it is our duty to make sense of it- more than dollars and cents.

life is crazy
June 02,2008 by scottmartinlocke
the way things are going with all the ups and downs being rational takes some work. logic becomes the rescuer but the way things are there is no logic to it. there is no being reasonable either; life is all that you make it, but we are subjects to nature and to all the higher-ups on the ladder to success. even when money is tight, we find ways. Good thing too; without it we are nothing but human with the human element of surprise.

Give Life a second thought
June 07,2008 by scottmartinlocke
some say life has many colors and hues. it's true. life is not just black and white and gray. our mind says one thing and our feelings and emotions say another. life is not logical but we are supposed to make some sense of it. the possibility is there; it just takes a certain way of thinking. we are supposed to be optimistic, but intent, motivation and ambition take the lead. every day is another adventure in exploration, discovery and a free ride on the rollercoaster full of turns of opportunity, rolls of chance , and our wonder of what comes next. Dreams are good for distractions; but some dreams can be fulfilled if we excel and drive you with determination and persistent commanding of our will to achieve and succeed. we make of it what we can, but remember that we are responsible for more than our actions/ we are responsible for our thoughts..

journey-ing/ four stories

as you climb your own staircase
remember where it started, how you got there and
to where it may lead

Elemental publishers May 2 '10
An Original Work by Scott Martin Locke
WelcomeHi. This site shares what I believe about life. I have written essays, poetry, blogs, and three books that reflect on my readings. I read the great philosophers and history; I enjoy fiction and science fiction. My job as a fellow traveler on this earth is to explore every aspect of life that is accessible to me. I hope you will enjoy reading what I have gathered for reflection.
Elemental Publishers About the author I was born the 21st of December 1956. I've been through a lot since then just like the rest of us. We've all been through a lot. I began to write after years of thinking about it and finally did something about it. I studied and reflected upon the world and myself and came up with a philosophy that suited my character. I am the worker and I work to live and live to work. Life is an Adventure in Learning and I just suppose that's the way it is. We all at some point have to come to terms with the way things are and how they could be so I started writing and never stopped. Life goes on you know; but if you don't stop once in a while it will pass you by
Literature achievement in line verse, poetry, blogging.To excel in writing and communicating feeling and emotion.To excel in wisdom and seek the truth and find itto know love's cherishingto enjoy the liberty of expression without licenseto enjoy the freedom to readand the intelligence to writeto know the difference between wit and wisdomto see past the fantasy into realityto feel the pain of being human and know the joythat spirit lives

Our Fair World
Our Fair World----July 01, 2010 by Dharma ("sacred duty") t Scott
To be honest with yourself and truthful in your heart to the one who sustains the universe and beyond. Such an intense thought that there is an other side to the universe where it's light and everyone is enlightened to the real truth. No beginning and no end; eternal and forever in a day. Take a nap under a tree and wake up to a world where all is justice, peace, and harmony. Incredible thought I was taught. The question of your state of mind is crucial to the outcome of your environment. We live in our mind in a greater world and then there's more. Haven't you noticed the mundane and cosmic powers that revolve around reality are interwoven into the web of mysterious events that consume our lives with chance and opportunity? As our confidence and faith increase in our wisdom we recognize the omniscience of the magical divine as it unfolds gradually into the spectacle of our cosmic reality. If the light of a thousand suns would rise in the morning sky the Great Spirit would enlighten the world. It’s been the same for thousands of years; heartbreak, bliss and clouds crossing the sky. Stray cloud adorned the blue with white. I felt like sleeping and dreaming but I was too awake to stop mid-stride recollecting these words to play. Don't be mad because we have fun and you having none. Your time will come soon enough to sing and dance and play. Take your shoes off and walk barefoot in the sand, in the green meadow grass beside the highway of life. Take a walk in the park and find a bench to sit still and watch the world go by. At least you noticed. The mountains over there were covered with atoms of dust millions of years old and you still feel young though age has come upon you. Be still in your own glory.

Elemental publishers · Jul 3 '10
Composition "Front Line"
Scott Martin Locke
Front LineLife must be its own objective, its own purpose. Its own concern is to rule itself; but interference will come from all directions. It must govern itself fairly with justice. Its natureis self reliant, resilient and enduring.It must put up with the behavior of its inhabitants while enduring hardship, wealth, healthin addition, sickness. The human race is like a virus and spreads everywhere without concern for itsenvironment, only to conquer and survive. We struggle to live so that we can die, but all of us work to live and live to work to maintain the lifestyle of our choosing.If we do our best someone might say that is not good enough and if we make one mistake who remembers what well we did? When we study and reflect with deliberate intentionwe seek truth and validation without compromise. We pursue inquiry in proportion to its value and importance relevant to our condition. Some propose it’s all in your mind but the real world is still out there; and the real world is still in your own mind. A simple dichotomy of dualism with the consistency of both worlds living simultaneously as one.Things are to be considered as they are, not as they could be or should be. Everything is as it is perhaps even without understanding we must accept and put aside denial. We cannot pretend to understand. We either understand or not by our learned reason and way of logic.The front line is that we live in the here and now and nothing else matters. We may make plans for the future but even they are subject to change by random chance, opportunity and occurrences due to nature or manmade situations. Events will happen and we must accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can.Things get old and we just get older. Sometimes it hurts but no one said it would be easy.A notion, an idea – wonders of the mind. Without intelligence, there could be no creativity.To live in the realm of ideas means treating the impossible as though it were possible. Our individual creativity makes possibilities a reality, though perhaps fantasy, in the mind everything is real. Consider your sleep? Where is the dividing line between the reality of a dream and the reality of the conscious mind?What was once real may not be any more, but remains alive, and real, when we remember or think of it as being so. We can traverse many worlds through history of our own making or the history of what we have learned of through study. Books bring to life more than imaginary stories. Books bring to life more than we can imagine or believe.Books we find are like new acquaintances. They become our friends and entertain us in our idle time with enlightenment or fantasy. Behind the covers are stories to be told, rarely told but hidden in the lines and between them. Behind our presentable image, we are like books and everyone has a story to their life. Some parts are revealed and the secrets we all hold we keep to ourselves until acceptable to reveal. End of front Line

The Day after Tomorrow
An Original Work by Scott Martin Locke

Well it was the same with Meggy as it was with Ginger. Once a happy life here on earth giving us so much pleasure and asking only for love. I remember the day I had to put down Ginger and then those words “lets get another puppy" well one more time I grew old with my dog and now even she is gone and left me with a broken heart. Yea' of course time will heal. Today I imagined they met and talked about me. They went to the meadow of flowers. They went to the stream of pure water. They went to the forest of fun and to the lake of the moon. Sure it's human to cry-crying is love. They well up inside and burst covering your face with liquid love. One day I’ll go too and see my dogs. Life is so tough but remembers others got it harder. Be thankful for what we do have and that is compassion.

creative rambling with good cause/three stories

Scott’s Blog
Phenomenal Anomaly
September 10, 2010 – Scott Martin Locke

Just a note for the day another day off fro m the rigors of work. Happiness where are you? It’s nobody's fault but mine. O h' great electric typewriter do your stuff now: there's plenty of ribbon for you to expand your thoughts. So today the world did smile. Thanks to you my thoughts. Found the printed page. I give you my heart and my spirit oh' Sun shine down on me. It’s ok if I get back in the rain but the Sun is just fine. O h' and bring me a gentle breeze from your planetary winds. And if you please send an occasional cloud cross my mind. momentary emotional repose as I sit at my desk and look out the window at a tree reminding me of the location of my thoughts here in the moment of the day Flute plays off in the distance I wish I could bring the distance closer. Wolf sings. Coyote runs. O h' Great Spirit hear me. Oh' I know you do. Thanks. You r welcome. The daemons call and deceive. Repel them with your Light-Energy. Your own power is invincible. Looking for what I once knew. A ha' aha' oh ' the long playing song reverberates without lyrics. With sounds that impact our intelligence. Oh' thank goodness for another cup of coffee.

Scott's Blog
we each have a mission
December 18, 2010 – Scott Martin Locke
Further back than memory can reach hidden are the ancient clues to prosperity. Mind your own business and get the show on the road. we the living have our own time at hand- make of it what you can- democracy has its faults-the politicians are all
Talk-they do not remember what it was like when they were young. though we do- we live day to day; forgetting
The political demand even our rural environment holds us to; and the urban life has its own rules that are not democratic. Only the strong and wise survive. Street smart gets you more than a degree. It gets you home. We are one and all and still on our own. you protect yourself with knowledge and learn all your life little secrets that
Get you by. We are sustained by our will. Our will empowers us to survive. We learn to avoid making mistakes. We learn from life. Life is the great entertainer and the champion of resistance. The revolution is coming. The masses will rise like the phoenix. We depend on our choice of judgments, we learn accuracy in decisions. We are at once frail and strong- we are human; and the human element is surprise. We have been charged before proven innocent; it isn't fair- no one said it would. We live with metaphor and anomaly; certainty is a false theory-there is none. The eagle soars with the dove- love is always conditional. We are animal-beast with compassion- we stalk our prey and strike then we give thanks for our plenty. We live with excuse-the big easy-excuse is no proper action. We race with time for chance and opportunity we doubt the winner for the conquer and the conquered there is no winner in this life we all come close and fall short. we want sugar coated and salt we want cake cake is the reward of life only sometimes there is no icing just cake and we're glad for it

Scott's Blog
This Universe is a Grand Place
March 27, 2010 –Scott Martin Locke
Immediate reality ----------- -------------- Everything starts within our mind. The truth of external reality is known to us from deep within. through the physical
reality outside our mind really exists, and would exist without us; it is our knowing it that makes us conscious of it and
Our intelligent ability to interpret it comes with our consciousness. Consciousness that does not set out from its own inner
life, does not start from thought; it combines the thought of the Great Spirit with its own from its immediate presence in
Reality and recognizes itself within it and still keeps its individuality. The moment of immediate existence is present in the
content of the notion, and present in such a way that it realizes its immediate reality within a greater reality, above nature,
But still part of nature. It is neither set up as something thought or imaginatively represented nor of something produced
But is a part of our real and immediate experience of our existence. The Divine becomes part of our own being once realized and accepted we evolve in our true nature as spiritual intelligent beings