Sunday, 1 September 2013

A World Within a World one composition


In dreams you don't know you're dreaming or  it is real; though to your mind everything is real that you think
life is an incredible journey
truly believable and absolutely real
even in our imagination
or you know it's not real and project possibilities on your subconsciousness. Life certainly isn't a dream or is it? We won't know until it's over and we cross over into the eatherland of infinity. In a lucid dream you participate in your dream; could life be like this? whatever. Is there a way to explain life away? who knows?

Life happens  and we make of it what we will. From ambition and motivation we succeed and move on to higher realms. We cannot just stand still, we have to keep moving because idleness brings us nothing. The subconscious intelligence is aware of its consciousness even as the consciousness of our mind's reality is aware of its The process is on going and continually working in our creative thinking.

If that is possible than what underlying intelligence we have is in association  with that , that is just below the surface of our understanding, but we know something is going on because of our passion and emotion and desire. So who is to say what is normal? What is socially acceptable is normal. We have to find out for our selves what suits our disposition and constitution. We have to find out for our selves what our real nature is and what we truly believe in.
In the beginning
there was a thought
and it became real
and reality was born
into eternity

What we do is to constantly shape and re-shape the spirits eternal pastime; altering our state of consciousness from surface thinking to deeper thinking our mind is certainly capable of within our own realm of creativity. Deliberately and constructively rationally and always emotionally we declare the passion we have thoughts of. What we think is important. How we think is just as important because the certain way of thinking gets us to a point where we can realize our ideas and from conception to perception bring them into our own reality and share them with others. "We Pass Knowledge to One Another": the story continues and our life of sharing we cannot keep to our selves.

So what is this imagery of the mind? Nothing more than our own creativity at work. So what is the imagination? Nothing more than a construct of the intelligent mind in an active state of willing to think of what is and what can be. It is a construct of mental imagery. It is more than bringing mental images into the world of the mind's consciousness; it is bringing thinking to the surface of our active intelligence. It is an action of the mind that produces new ideas or thoughts, consciously, with deliberate concentration and meditation; it is a reality of another order than ordinary constructive thinking. Higher somehow into a greater realm, into a greater region of the near horizon of thinking.

The story continues: a composition on our subconscious intelligence; the hub of active intellectual activity.                                                
sailing is one of the ultimate freedoms
the mind can realize;
catching the wind
calling a thought
to the surface
cutting the water with
the bow of your ship
riding out the afternoon
refreshing your own soul

Rising up into the sky
space bound
to a higher reality
of the mind
beyond the limits of the horizon
we can only imagine

Here is where our creativity begins. Discovery is a place between the pen and paper.
A man's passion is uneven if it is real, it wavers with emotion and is touched by the senses in dramatic ways.
I talk naturally and casually about the ideas that come to me; it isn't so difficult being inventive when you know the contents of the treasure of the mind. We use experience as leverage for the notions that have impressed us the most, sorting and expanding on the ideas of thought for relaxation and expression in the clearing space where the mind does its greatest work.

 Any heightened awareness I have comes from the exhilaration I find in discovering new found thoughts ready for expression sharing my ideas thru the use of words to create a picture interpretable to myself and the reader. It would seem fitting that a man's complexion would find a suitable form of expression from his inner most thoughts and experiences in discovering and exploring new found knowledge in a reasonable way.

There is a world within a world deeper even so within a greater world; the discovery of the contents of the inner mind seeking release, in flight across a narrow band of the horizon like the sun rise above the earth viewed from space.

sunrise viewed from space
another day in time
in the continuum of the Golden Eternity
We live in an expanding universe. We live in a world within a world. We live in a small part of the universe and create for our selves our own world from situations and conditions and random events and from our will we accelerate  our place in society and create for our selves our world, the world we live in as it is and no more.
Immediacy is a gift. If you don't capture a thought when it appears it may be lost, but sometime it may come back to you but in a different form than the original, so as writer we save what we can in notes and little scribbles and when you think it's complete you write it all on the printed page and save it in our technological age in manuscripts and notes and in creative writing on computerized devices for as long as the server will remember for all to see even when you've gone you've saved your thoughts to share alike with humanity, some day someone will find them and consider who you really were, just another soul passing thru the Golden Eternity.
So far as I've learned there is unlimited content in the human ingenuity of creative expression, no matter the subject one thought leads to another and each of us interpret differently the same ideas but some never told and we realize we are all actually the same.