sometimes we just have to do
what we will to do
If human life is to remain possible a variety of opinions must be assured
the liberty to exist within the political and corporate environment.
The worker, the common man, not of the upper class, does have rights though the establishment
over any position without interference explicitly, and has the right to change the rules at any time
Our freedoms can be denied at every cornerstone of history; but the sole freedom of thought can
never be
denied; the will to act and to react can never be denied by any one or doctrine.
The drive of hunger whether by food or shelter or personal beliefs is a stronghold for resistance.
The most we can verify is our reason of creativity and imagination in the process of invention.
for respectable motive for pursuing philosophy is the further understanding of the world and
nature to be instinctively creative and reasonably intelligent, and beyond, and the human factor
with a
variety of interpretations people come up with to explain life away may seem futile ; still our
will has a direct correspondence to our disposition and character while we abide to our own