Wednesday, 23 April 2014

continuing reflections on life a creative notion

either takeoff or landing
the journey continues
and my mind still wonders
don't we all?!
"the ISS"
a natural habitat in low earth orbit.
leaving earth's gravity field
heading for low orbit
destination the ISS
our research and evolution
of the 21st century

                                                                 if time has any meaning at all our ancestors

it used to be so simple before man's own technology
brought the future closer to his own reality
knew more than us and we regressed to a more simple way of life beside technology but the main wonder is- "how can all this be and the inspiration steadily comes in or without notification, just spontaneous thoughts and you fire another round from your weapon and your mind registers it all.
the shuttle may be retired
but supply ships keep the ISS alive
like the spirit rejuvenates us
when we are strong and still
humble in our weakness.

the adventure continues and life goes on as usual
except for random chance
the roll of the dice
and draw of the cards
bartender i want another drink
before closing time .

waiting for the "A" bus to take me uptown.
everyone is gifted in some way or another. writing on the printed page captures my thoughts and gives me release for new and bold reflections, meditations and contemplation's all the while trying to capture a moment of thought
trying for a decent explanation and the right words to germinate the idea in my mind.



at hypersonic speed the surface passes so quickly every judgment and decision must be exact.