Sunday, 7 December 2014

another journey thru a night and a day

so many thoughts to wonder on; too many but enough to get lost in.
constant sorting and re-thinking and re-configuring; the great analysis of life not giving up on the reality of a great dream. walk a hundred miles in  my shoes? put yourself in my life and keep trying, never giving up and still follow your dream; not an easy task living is. The last time it wasn't until the last day. this time i'm just beginning. not re-living the past but living, why?, for the sake of life itself. more compromise than i can accept but i do.
Sunday notes: another week of history written; captured thoughts re-located on a piece of paper.
you reach for the sky and grab a hold to a star and find out you've wore out your welcome
and fall, just a constant falling feeling, but soon you overcome it and learn to fly
in your heart and mind you did nothing wrong; it just happened in  the randomness of life.
and pray for relief and wait, and wait some more until help finally arrives.
shining like the sun you dare not look at it just believe and feel the warmth and relief
some Angel of a kind found you and brought you back to earth. 
so you continue what you were doing, looking for work of any kind while the bills constantly
get mailed out and you look away from the mailbox in disgust.
you put your hands together and feel some kind of power;
perhaps it's the power of prayer;
reaching out into your own consciousness
of something that is greater than you can imagine
but you do anyway.

and you know it's real; but so difficult to explain; a personal belief that keeps you going
across the straight and narrow. you get over "it's always something" and move on. You know it's really hard to accept what God lets us do; what God allows be it bad or good there's a learning experience to wonder on. "Who knows the master plan for us all?"

Generations come and go with each passing moment as the sun crosses the sky
some are prey to feed the hungry and others pray to have pity and you feel some kind of remorse for what you did without thought; and you explain it by saying it just happened that way.
you make the connections in your mind where the synapse triggers an emotional response
 you can run but you cannot hide; the spirit surrounds you and breathes life and creativity into your gentle human mind and at each step; in each phase you re-consider and often change your mind, but you know you are not alone and some are always better than others and some are always worse off than others and you keep your place in the bread line hoping for a morsel, for a crust to cure your aching stomach and mind.

it does do some good to think after the help you receive, but the waiting seems like forever;
but it's only just a moment of the great time continuum.

it's now December and you're stuck at home 
but up on the major highway people are moving
like they do
they think they're going somewhere
but really there going from nowhere to nowhere else.
so deeper in your heart you feel the comfort of your Angels and remember what the 
prophets said- there will be times in your life you just got to get down on your knees and 
think of something greater than yourself; and you know there certainly is, but don't know why .
what were the skies like when you were young?
little fluffy clouds
like dreams passing
without a trace
turning colors
at days end; and in the night
so many and the constellations you wonder about them too.
as the day passes so do many clouds
but wher do they go? and you've really got no where to too.
you remember the picture from the night past; but it's always different the next time you see it and wonder like for yourself where it came from and where it's going? and you take responsibility and face our future with bravery; it's the only thing we know; how to be strong and so weak at the same time.                                                                     
many things cross the path of the moon up there so high; it takes three says to get there and you remember you always have to home where ever it may be. you always have to come back to your self and can't hide from reality or shrug it off as something that just is.

life goes on so quickly and the only thing you know is if you don't stop once in a while it might pass you by.